Jacqui McGovern
IASW Supervisors
Name: Jacqui McGovern
Type of Work/Specialism: Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS), Adult Mental Health, Mental Health and Workplace Wellbeing, Adoption, Circle of Security, Supervision
Email: jacquimcgovern21@gmail.com
Telephone: 087-7994941
CORU Registration Number: SW003613
Region/Location: Galway / Anywhere via Zoom/Teams
Charge per hour: €80 per hour (Introductory session €50 to ensure a good match).
*Receipts provided for all sessions.
Description of relevant experience/profile:
- I'm a CORU-registered social worker with 22 years of clinical experience in mental health: 3+ years in Adult Psychiatry (inpatient – with a specialist eating disorder unit, outpatients, and day hospital), 18+ years in CAMHS in a senior role on community-based teams. My areas of special interest are: anxiety, attachment, eating disorders, trauma, self-harming, parenting, and groupwork.
- I’ve been a Tutor on the MA in Social Work in the University of Galway since 2014, supporting and supervising masters students on placement. I have also done some locum lecturing in Social Work Skills in UG on the MA in Social Work.
- In 2020, I left CAMHS and set up a mental health and workplace wellbeing business called Mind Ed (minded.ie). I was self-employed for 2 and a half years and really enjoyed training others about self-care, stress management and burnout prevention and recovery.
- In 2023, I began working part-time with Barnardos in their adult Birth History Service. In this role I provide individual therapeutic support and run groups for birth parents, adopted adults, and people who were illegally registered.
- I’m a registered Circle of Security Parenting Programme Facilitator.
- I work part-time as an Independent Social Worker and I provide external Social Work Supervision. I believe that supervision should be a safe collaborative process, built on honesty, trust and support. I aim to provide a confidential space where social workers can openly discuss challenging cases, reflect on practice, talk through any team dynamics issues and invest in self-care and self-development.
Qualifications: MSW and NQSW – UCC 1998. Circle of Security Parenting Programme Facilitator – 2022.
Professional registrations: CORU and IASW. I am insured as an Independent Social Worker under Nagalro.
Extra skills:
- MA in Social Work Tutor with UG – 2014 to present
- Experienced in mental health training, education and groupwork
- Registered Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator
- Parents Plus Facilitator (all age groups)
- Experience of travelling, living and working in other countries and cultures
- Working Mum with 3 children (with associated agile skills in negotiation, time management, catering, taxi-driving, first aid, emotional coaching, personal shopping, event management, juggling and endless cleaning etc)