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All students graduating in any given year will automatically move to ANNUAL (one payment) First Year Post Qualify membership in March of the following year (regardless of when they joined or when they paid the last student fee). To pay your fee in monthly instalments, the member must contact the Office Administrator before 1st March.
For terms & conditions Click Here

By making an application you agree to uphold the IASW Code of Ethics and Practice if accepted.


Special Interest Group (SIG) Network

The IASW is a collective of Volunteers! The key to a member’s organisation is the active engagement of members through the SIGs.

Membership of Special Interest Groups (SIG) are open to members of the IASW. The SIGs highlight priority issues for social work, they identify learning and development requirements, and bring the IASW to life through activities, networking events, and knowledge dissemination, as well as providing information which is fed back to the Board. 

Reasons to join a SIG:

  • Membership will help you meet the daily challenges facing Social Workers
  • Personal Benefits: Looks good on your CV, provides networking opportunities, interact with fellow social workers who have similar interests
  • Provides an opportunity to earn CPD credits
  • Allows you to stay up to date with the latest news and developments in the profession
  • Provides you with an opportunity to get essential advice and guidance to support you and the people and communities you work with
  • Influence in lobbying stakeholders and social work employers
  • Use your front-line practise to inform the IASW agenda and voice

Learn more about SIG's and explore content relating to each group by selecting from the list below. Join a SIG and be an agent for change! Join a SIG by emailing 

Special Interest Groups

Ageing (SIGA)
SIGA has been re-established as of Feb 2025! Contact the office today to join SIGA, 
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Children & Families (C&F)
C&F is involved in all matters relating to the service provided to children and families in Community Social Work.
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Disability (SWID)
SWID was formed for social workers with an interest in the area of disability services. SWID represents issues for social workers in physical and sensory, ID and neurological conditions and crosses acute to community services. SWID is a SIG for any social worker working in these areas as well as social workers who have an interest in or come into contact with disability services.
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Foster Care (SWIFC)
SWIFC aims to provide a forum for Social Workers engaged in the area of Foster Care, to express relevant professional perspectives and to advocate on behalf of children in Foster Care.
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Adult Mental Health (SWAMH)
SWAMH aims to support colleagues, promote best practice in the interest of service users through CPD events, sharing information and contributing to national mental health policy and developments.
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Primary Care (SWIPC)
Primary care social workers who are coming together to provide a forum for learning and information sharing with a view to enhancing our roles in primary care across the country 
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Adult Safeguarding and Protection (ASaP)
The group for all adults to be safeguarded with equal access to protection across Ireland and supported within the code of conduct and ethics, law, policy, regulations and standard of best professional social work practice for social justice, and to promote and protect human rights. 
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Anti-Racism Advisory Group (ARAG)
The ARAG’s mission is to raise awareness of the negative impact of Racism in Social Work highlighting how Racism has no place in a profession which purports to have human rights and Social Justice as its core practice principles.  
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Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CAMHS)
The Child and Adolescent Mental Health service (CAMHS) special interest group provides a national forum for social workers working in CAMHS or interested in this area of work. We meet and discuss issues of relevance, contribute to relevant national policy, facilitate CPD, and have representation on relevant national groups.
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Head Medical Social Workers (HMSW)
HMSW provides a forum for the development and implementation of best standards among medical social workers in Ireland. The group also functions as an information exchange among heads of departments, as well as lobbying on issues relating to our client group and finally as a support to Head Medical Social Workers in their work.
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Social Group

Retired Social Workers Social Group
For retired social workers to enage with others in the peer group through social enagements. 
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