Bernadette Casey

IASW Supervisors
Name: Bernadette Casey
Type of Work/Specialism: Clinical Supervision; Coaching; Safeguarding (national and international), Medical, Primary Care, Ageing and Disability.
Telephone: 00 353 086 305 9649
CORU Registration Number: SW005215
Region/Location: National and International
Charge per hour: Available on request
Description of relevant experience/profile:
- I have over thirty years’ experience working in senior leadership and management roles in various settings including health & social care, corporates, voluntary, statutory, primary care, palliative hospice care and large Dublin City hospital as principal medical social worker; with national and international charities and faith-based agencies, including one of Ireland’s largest INGOs as Global Safeguarding Lead; residential and day centre rehab, child and adult disability services including nursing home settings, and as occupational social worker with the Irish Defence Forces including overseas UN Peace-Keeping missions.
- As a trained clinical supervisor with HSE and ICPPD since 2012, I have extensive experience in senior leadership and management roles providing supervision as principal social worker, and head of large departments including psychology and safeguarding, and incorporating a neuro-science and coaching perspective to optimise the welfare of supervisees.
- I offer psycho-social support for occupational wellbeing, resilience building through stress management to prevent burnout and compassion fatigue, to promote individual personal and professional growth, for quality professional service provision and to maintain integrity and a strong sense of psychological safety in the workplace.
Qualifications: BSocSc (Hon), 2001, TCD, Equality Studies, (Hon) MSc 2006, UCD, and Diploma in Life Coaching, ILI, 2015; Personal Fitness Trainer, Level IV, UCD.
Professional registrations: CORU
Extra skills: Group Supervision using Neuroscience perspective; Psycho-social approach to occupational welfare; CISD; Trauma informed approach; Mediation; Coaching Practice; PSEA investigator with UN and CHS Alliance.